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What are concert tours and how do they help artists?

The Internet has made it possible for fans to feel closer to their favorite artists, stars, and athletes, regardless of the country they come from. For instance, K-pop artists and bands now enjoy worldwide popularity because of the help of media, especially the Internet.

Fans can connect with the rest of the world through their gadgets. With just a tap or a click, they are able to know the latest news and trends about music and the artists whom they follow. Through the Internet, they can also attract the attention of their favorite artists. The exposure of artists and bands to their fans make fans crave for a more direct interaction with them. This is why concert tours are more crucial now, more than ever.

A concert tour is a lineup of concerts by an artist or group of artists held in various cities or localities. A concert tour can last for months or years and bring in huge profits through ticket revenues. Concert tours may have been popularized even before the advent of the Internet. However, they are an absolute must for any artist or band that wishes to have long years of fame and success.

Concert tours are no longer limited to a city, a region, or a country. World tours are now very popular. They are avenues for artists to meet their fans and promote their music in different places around world. They also allow fans to experience music from other countries or places. An example of this is EXO’s “EXO Planet #2 – The EXO’luXion[dot].” It is EXO’s largest tour to date and it is one of the largest tours by a Korean act in recent history, with concerts held in Seoul, Taiwan, Beijing, Philippines, and North America. Additionally, with high hopes of outdoing The EXO’luXion[dot], this year’s ongoing “EXO Planet #3 – The EXO’rDIUM” is now recorded as the longest solo concert series at the Seoul Olympic Gymnasium.

All artists, solo or bands, who aspire for stardom need concert tours to showcase their talent and promote albums to the rest of the world. Internet exposure is simply not enough for artists especially that consumers these days demand for more live and interactive experiences with their music idols. In fact, tours and festivals are quintessential to the music industry especially because the Internet is bombarded with different promotions of music genres, events, albums, and artists. Concert tours allow artists to make a personal and localized connection with their fans, a connection that cannot be established in virtual spaces.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What is a concert tour?

2. What is an example of a concert tour?

3. Why do artists need to have concert tours?


revenue 수익/ 

quintessential 본질적인/ 

bombard 공격 등을 퍼붓다/ 

localized 국지화된, 지방화된/ 

virtual 가상의/

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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