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페이스북 보내기 트위터 보내기 친구들에게 공유하기

How do you foresee the future of the entertainment industry? Will it stay the same or will it undergo drastic changes? What made you say so?

Interviewee’s answer:

In the few decades that I was able to witness the changes in the products of the entertainment industry, I can say that the future holds a lot of innovations and advancements for films, TV shows, music videos and the like. I predict that perhaps in the next 10 years or so, the entertainment industry will be able to produce more materials that are highly influenced by technology.

There is a possibility that the number of films produced per year will triple because technology will hasten the production and editing of films. Unseen parts of the world and unfamiliar aspects of the human race may be featured in TV shows because it will be easier to travel and document different places and situations. Robots may even replace actors and actresses.

Our society is already highly dependent on technology and that includes media productions. We can now see films that are shot using high definition cameras and showered with special effects. Actors and actresses look better on screen not only because of their dolled up faces and the nice clothes they wear but also because technology is able to accentuate their good features. Imagine how this would be in the future. For me, I expect nothing less. The entertainment industry will just keep on improving because of technology.

The part I am worried about though is because of too much technology, the products of the entertainment technology might lose depth and character. Storylines may not include moral lessons that give people a positive vibe after watching a film or a TV show. Producers may just focus on special effects and they might use the influence of the entertainment industry to bring a negative impact to the society.

I just hope that in the future, there would still be a balance of innovations and traditional values. The entertainment industry plays an important role in the society so although technology may bring many changes, the simple things should still remain. Films, TV shows and others should still lead people into doing and believing what is right and just. A good balance between technology and principles is what I hope the entertainment industry to have in the future.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. The interviewee identified possible changes in the entertainment industry through technology.

2. The interviewee expressed concerns about the possible loss of traditional values in the products of the entertainment industry.

3. The interviewee hopes that there would be a balance between technology and principles for the products of the entertainment industry in the future.


decade 십 년

dolled up 치장한

accentuate 강조하다, 두드러지게 하다

depth 깊이

vibe 분위기, 느낌

principle 원칙

자료제공 EDU TIMES EBS english 컨텐츠 제공

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