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The History of the Brexit

On June 24, 2016, the results of a referendum held in Great Britain revealed that the country voted to be out of the European Union. People in and out of Europe had different reactions to this outcome, especially because the referendum results triggered new historical events like the resignation of David Cameron and the dipping of the value of the euro. Many people put a close eye on how the British exit (Brexit) from the European Union may shape the country’s future, while others wanted to have a better understanding of the British Exit so they looked deeper into the history of the said situation.

Great Britain first applied for membership in the European Economic Community (the predecessor of the European Union) in 1963. The application was vetoed by the then President of France Charles Gaulle. One of his reasons was the incompatibility of Britain’s economy with the rest of Europe. It took another decade before Great Britain finally became a member of the European Economic Community (EEC).

Two years after the approval of its membership, Great Britain had a referendum to get the public’s opinion on whether the country should stay with the EEC. 67 percent of the country’s total voting population voted in favor of staying, so Great Britain didn’t leave. However, the said referendum was just the beginning of the worsening relationship of Great Britain and the Community, mainly because of monetary issues.

In 1993, the Maastricht Treaty placed the EEC under the European Union –a politico-economic union that uses a common currency, citizenship rights and foreign policies. This change, however, seemed to have placed Great Britain in more financial constraints and economic unrest.

In 2013, then Prime Minister David Cameron promised to renegotiate the membership of his country in the European Union. His support for the relationship of his country and the EU triggered many Britons to take the side of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), the opposing political party that is not in favor of the membership of Great Britain in the EU.

The campaign of the UKIP against EU membership escalated over the years. The political party highlighted that the problems experienced by Great Britain related to the migrant crisis, unemployment and the unfair movement of money between the country and the EU can be eradicated if Great Britain will leave the Union.

In February 2016, David Cameron announced that there would be a referendum about the British exit that will be held in 4 months. The said referendum was the one held last June 23, 2016, which ended with majority of Britons voting in favor of the Brexit. Great Britain is currently undergoing the process of separation from the European Union.

질문&어휘 문법TIPs 해석

1. What is the difference between the EEC and the EU?

2. What role did the UKIP play in the Brexit?

3. Are you in favor of the Brexit? Why or why not?


predecessor 전신, 전임자

veto 거부하다

referendum 국민투표

currency 화폐, 통화

constraints 제약

unrest 동요 

escalate 확대하다

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